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Home\Blog\May 2010\Oil Spill Update for guests with future reservations in Perdido Key 5.6.10

Oil Spill Update for guests with future reservations in Perdido Key 5.6.10

The information from NOAA is telling us that the “latest trajectory forecast shows a potential for westward movement of the oil” (NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration website).  Though this is looking more dismal for Louisiana, this is welcomed news for Perdido Key and Pensacola.  And what about their industries which often factor into the enjoyment of our visitor’s vacations? In regards to the impact this is having in industries other than tourism; the charter fishing for our area has not been shut down.  The Federal waters have been restricted as a precautionary measure, but not the State waters (NOAA Fisheries Service).  I spoke with Darlene at Aqua Venture Charters (850-492-0003) today and was informed that charters are still allowed to go out into the Gulf up to 20 miles which is plenty distance for good fishing!  They are located just 4 miles from the east end of Perdido Key in the Southwinds Marina. Concerning the local restaurants and seafood industry; NOAA Fisheries is working closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the states to ensure seafood safety (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission).  Additionally, the Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner, Charles Bronson, released a statement saying that “Florida seafood has not been impacted by this oil spill at all and is completely safe.”  This is reassuring news for our visitors as many come hoping to enjoy a first-class dinner at one of our many great restaurants or planning to bring back a freezer-full of fish, shrimp and other seafood. So, to recap: there is no oil on the beaches, charter fishing is still open inshore plus up to 20 miles offshore and there is nothing wrong with the seafood in our area.  I truly hope that the reports we get continue trending in the same direction however if they do not we will send out an email to all guests with future reservations to make them aware of the situation.  Thanks for reading and visit again to look for updates! JD Hallam PKRM Rental Manager Worried about your stay being affected by the Oil Spill?  The Purple Parrot is a great alternative to a beach front reservation in Perdido Key.

Published on Thursday, May 6, 2010

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