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Home\Blog\May 2010\The minimal effect of the Oil Spill in Perdido Key today 5.5.10

The minimal effect of the Oil Spill in Perdido Key today 5.5.10

Thank goodness that this oil spill is not affecting Perdido Key and though the impact may travel far east from the original leak the local news is telling us that we are in the clear at least through the weekend.  There is no oil on the Pensacola Beach and no oil in Perdido Key.  No tar balls and no oil sheen on the beaches here in Perdido.   Currently, those who are staying in the Perdido Key area are enjoying our white sand beaches and 80 plus degree weather.  The weather forecast is looking good for the next ten days and with a little luck it will continue to trend in the same direction.  We are happy that nothing has washed ashore and we hoping that it stays that way! So what impact has the oil spill had in Perdido Key?  Other than anxiety and rumors, not much.  We have had a few cancellations, but most guests are treating this like a hurricane – watching to see what happens and where it makes landfall before overreacting.  Everyone understands that there is a myriad of places that could be affected by the oil spill, so in reality we are all waiting together.  Florida officials have made statements intended to be pushed out through the state’s agency for promoting tourism which make it very clear that ‘”the beaches are still ready for vacationers” and that the spill is still “a long, long ways” from the peninsula’ (Fox10News.com).  Hopefully this thread will make it out to others and they too can be reassured that some of the rumors are a result of sensationalism.  Other reassuring info can be found at the NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration website.  The trajectory maps show that this does not look like it will be impacting our area as far out as they are comfortable projecting. Now that we are on the same page concerning the impact, or lack thereof, this is has on Perdido Key and Pensacola at this point - what about preventative measures?  Just in case this were to take a northerly turn.  Defensive measures to protect the beaches that beckon so many travelers every year are being put into action all along the Gulf Coast region.  Far east, far west and south of us are included in these dealings.  The measures include strategically laying out oil boom, the controlled burns which were approved to be done out in the Gulf (no where close to Perdido Key) and they are working to cap the leaks (FoxNews.com).  Today, 5.5.10, in Perdido Key none of this is visible and no one has reported any smell from burns.  This is being executed far offshore and thankfully is not having any impact on our vacationers. So far, things are looking good for Perdido Key and I will continue to keep posting so that our guests are kept informed.  If this were to make landfall here in Perdido and have a detrimental effect on our island, then we would send out a bulk email to our guests with future reservations to make them aware of the situation.  Thanks for reading and visit again to look for updates! JD Hallam PKRM Rental Manager Worried about your stay being affected by the Oil Spill?  The Purple Parrot is a great alternative to a beach front reservation in Perdido Key.

Published on Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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