What are these National Flight Academy Camps?
The National Flight Academy provides a tremendous opportunity for kids grades 5-12 to build important skills like teamwork, leadership, and critical thinking. This 3 day "cruise" aboard their mock aircraft carrier is packed with real life simulated flight situations, team building exercises and most importantly a FUN way to learn about aviation. As an exclusive National Flight Academy Partner the cost of the 3 night cruises range from $200-$350 p/child(regularly $399) depending upon the dates selected when you stay with Perdido Key Resort Management.
The National Flight Academy Offers 4 Different Cruises:
Learn to Soar (5-8th Grade):
In this three-day program, students will learn about the basics of flight: from Bernoulli's Principle and Newton's Law to the comparison between gliders and powered planes. Students will apply their knowledge by selecting a glider to build/fly and then compete with other students to determine which plane flies the greatest distance, stays in the air the longest, or is the fastest. Students will also become familiar with flying the X-12B Triad by flying a short familiarization flight and then demonstrate their new knowledge by planning and flying a series of cross country flights. Students will learn the basics of radar and communications skills so that they can support those students who are flying.
2017/2018 Cruise Dates:
Nov 10-12 (Veteran's Day Weekend)
Nov 19-21 (The beginning of Thanksgiving Week)
Feb 17-19 (President's Day Weekend)
Mar 11-13, 18-20, 25-27 (Spring Break Weeks)
Apr 2-4 (Easter Week)
Code Breakers (9-12th Grade)
: While flying the National Flight Academy's drone reconnaissance aircraft, students will learn basic cyber security and flight concepts as they prepare for information-collections missions. Students will learn how to analyze and protect information through various encryption excerises. In the culminating excercise, students will participate in a team-based event where they pit their encryption skills and understanding in a code breaking competition.
2017/2018 Cruise Dates:
Nov 10-12 (Veteran's Day Weekend)
Nov 19-21 (The beginning of Thanksgiving Week)
Feb 17-19 (President's Day Weekend)
March 14-16, 28-30 (Spring Break Weeks)
Race the Skies (9-12th Grade):Students learn about the many flight capabilities (supersonice, hover, Sport Utility Vehicle like taxiing, etc.) of the X-12B Triad as they compete within their squadron and Carrier Air Group to see who can complete all of the Rally objectives in the shortest time. Students will utilize 21st century workforce skills such as: collaboration, critical thinking, and communication as they coordinate and score each crew's performance from the Joing Operations Center.
2017/2018 Cruise Dates:
Mar 11-13, 18-20, 25-27 (Spring Break Weeks)
Apr 5-7 (Spring Break Weeks)
Fly Like The Blues (9-12th Grade): During Fly Like The Blue students will learn 21st century workforce skills such as: leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, and communication as they plan and then fly their six-plane formation air show at Eglin Air Force Base. First, students will become familiar with the X-12B Triad, radar and communications and then students will demonstrate their leadership and collaboration skills as they fly a practice air show. The students will have an opportunity to evaluate their squadron's performance and make adjustments before the squadron flies their "recorded" air show.
2017/2018 Cruise Dates:
Mar 14-16, 21-23, 28-30 (Spring Break Weeks)
Apr 5-7 (Spring Break Weeks)
Interested in making this your vacation plan?
Here are your next steps:
1. Determine which week you want to come visit
2. Book your condo here on PerdidoKeyFlorida.com
3. Call our office at 850-492-9999 to add your Flight Camp Addmission tickets to your reservation.
Start here ...ready, set go!